Mobile Jump

Apr 23 2012 8:00 AM APR 23 2012 8:00 AM
Learning proper Mobile WebMobile | CSS | HTML

We all know how much mobile is growing in the last year. Already the USA is at 6% with mobile web viewing. While my sites are way less than this and in most cases less than 2%. At this rate we could more than likely expect it to be more than 50% in 5 years. Because of this I am beginning to make the jump from thinking "Web First" to "Mobile First." This site now looks a lot better in mobile than it did previously. It still is somewhat quirky and is not fully optimized for mobile. 

Because of this large change of web usage I am making the jump into learning mobile. My first step is getting a good handle on the pure CSS HTML Mobile. One done with that ill finally fulfill my promise to myself to start learning mobile app languages such as C# and even some of Mobile Java (If that even still exists!) 

As every developer in this arena should know you are in one day and out the next. Especially if you can not keep ontop of the ever changing technical field. 

Look back for more how to's and my findings on Mobile.